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Homeschool Days
On the second Wednesday of each month from January to March, we will be hiking in the snow with homeschooled kids, exploring winter wonderlands with an opportunity to make new friends! Children will learn about safe snow recreation, the surrounding ecology, and much more! A minimum of 8 children are required to run each program, so be sure to invite your friends. Enroll your kids in our Homeschool Days Program and they will discover that wandering through nature feels right at home.

Who: Homeschool children 8 years old and older
What: Snowshoeing excursions that explore snow safety & science, winter ecology & climate change.
Where: Forested are near Mt. Rose Ski Resort.
When: January 20th, February 10th, & March 10th. 10 am to 1 pm
Cost: $20 per kid per session
Includes snowshoes!
For everyone's safety, children & staff will be required to have their temperature checked on arrival, answer a health questionnaire, and wear masks. Group sizes will be kept small, social distancing and sanitizing will be strictly enforced, and the duration of the program will be entirely outside to reduce the risk of spreading disease.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, and changing state & local regulations, all of our programs are subject to cancellation in which full refunds will be issued.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Program Director at:
(775) 324-0936
Registration for our last Homeschool Snowshoe Day is currently full.
To join our waiting list, please email your child's name, age, and a convenient phone number to:
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