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Snapshot Day 2022
Great Basin Outdoor School is now hosting the Lower Truckee portion of the Tahoe-Truckee Snapshot Day!

Join us at Snapshot Day 2022, a citizen science water quality monitoring event, intended to get the community educated & involved in their watershed.
This is a watershed-wide event, with volunteers of all ages taking samples in water bodies throughout the greater Tahoe-Truckee Watershed, from South Lake Tahoe to Reno! This provides our agencies with a "snapshot" in time of water quality in the entire watershed.
Great Basin Outdoor School will be hosting the Lower Truckee River portion, which takes place in tributaries from Galena Creek to McCarran Ranch.
The Lower Truckee Snapshot Day will take place from:
10 am to 1 pm on JUNE 4th 2022.
The Lower Truckee (Reno area) portion of Snapshot Day has been postponed to from May 21st to Saturday June 4th 2022 due to staff issues related to COVID-19.
We are currently recruiting team leaders and volunteers to sample at a site or two at this event. Each group will be led by a trained team leader. If you are interested in volunteering or have a group that is interested, please register yourself or your group below:
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Program Director at:
(775) 324-0936
Interested in becoming a team leader? Please register above and email
expressing your interest in leading a team through this citizen-science sampling event. Team leaders are required to attend a training ahead of the event which will take place in person on a Friday in May prior to the event at Mayberry Park.
The exact Friday is TBA.
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